K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes LOVE, then comes MARRIAGE, then comes a BABY in a BABY carriage...! Congrats again on your little BUN in the OVEN! As always, I had so much FUN seeing you 2 and can't wait for you to see the rest of your pictures. They are ADORABLE.
Alisa & Jamie, I LOVED meeting you both today! So...I am going to save the firehouse pictures for the arrival of your SWEET PEA...I can't wait to meet her! In the meantime, these are a couple of my favorites. It was a BEAUTIFUL day...and Alisa, you are one HOT MAMA! Enjoy.
CHEERS to Bob & Wendy and hands down one of the most FUN parties I have ever been to! HAPPY 60th to you both! From "SHOTS with BOB," to dancing to JAI HO with umbrellas, to eating the very best cuisine from countries all over, to a "cultural blend of booze that would make Mozart proud," there really couldn't be a better way to celebrate both of your birthdays and TOAST all of your adventures around the world! These pictures really are just some teasers...there are hundreds more to document the big FIESTA! Thank you for letting me be a part of the main event, I had a blast. ENJOY!
SWEET Samantha, you are such a beautiful little lady. Thank you for running around and having some FUN with your mamma and poppa and helping me get some great shots. You are too cute when you play PEEK.A.BOO or run after those BUBBLES. Have a WONDERFUL weekend & ENJOY your pics...there are many more to come!
Mr. Hayler, you did a such a good job yesterday, especially with all of your outfit changes and fun spots we took you to...I am still amazed at how alert you are for being such a little guy. Nice job my friend! Erin, so great to meet you & I love that a few different circles of people brought us together for a photo shoot...I'd say that's very COOL!
M & M, I loved meeting you over the weekend! Fantastic shoot, you all did great and the pictures posted are only a FEW of what I think are very cool PEA in the POD shots. Enjoy & can't wait to meet the little lady! P.S. Please send Norman my best & give him a pat or scratch on the back . . . best dog I've ever taken pictures of hands down!