
A Family Grows . . .

T + S + Baby + Schnoodle
Makes 4
     A Family Grows . . .

from the beach...
to the brick...
to the barracks . . .
to the land of "squish" . . .

and ending with a little smooch...

it was the perfect day.
I can't wait to meet baby...
hmmm...boy or girl?
see you soon to find out!





Mr. M, thank you for all of your SMILES! Hope you and your mom & dad had a wonderful weekend. CHEERS to being 3 months old! xoxo P.S. a few more smiles, I just couldn't resist...


Baby J...

celebrates his 6 month birthday.  
Congrats on your 2 new teeth! 
Happy half year Mr. J...you're the CUTEST!


The B Man Part 2

"Sometimes", said Pooh, "the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."
Love you B Man, have a happy weekend with Mommy and Daddy. xoxo

The B Man

Well, Mr.B is already 3 months old and I can't believe it!
Such a handsome fellow & I was lucky to meet this little guy in the hospital when he was born and just over a day old.  This is what I LOVE about my job...I get the honor of watching Mr.B grow up and freeze some of his firsts and milestones in time.
Here is one of his many smiley portrait shots...a fun collage to follow.
The entire shoot he was all smiles and expressions...THANK YOU THANK YOU Mr. B.


Little Miss A.

It's such a treat to meet such wonderful families.  Thank you to the C Fam for being so easy going and patient yesterday.  You are going to love all of your pictures...!
So...this was little Miss A's first photo shoot...
She let us put her in several baby poses...in buckets...in beanies...on bean bags..on beds...and even on a giant wine bottle!
She was such a SWEETIE PIE and didn't even make a peep throughout the whole process.
I can't wait for Round 2!
Have a wonderful week and I loved meeting all of you...xoxo


the N Family

Welcome to Paradise.
Time to sit back, relax, and ENJOY.


the BEACH.

My brother is getting into photography and I am proud to post his BEACH picture.
I LOVE it and if you look closely, you can see Molokini on the edge of the wave.